Chidinma Adetshina, a former Miss South Africa contestant, has been crowned Miss Universe Nigeria 2024. Adetshina, who was forced to withdraw from the Miss South Africa competition due to her Nigerian-Mozambican parentage, emerged victorious over 24 other contestants. She will represent Nigeria at the global Miss Universe pageant in Mexico this November.
Adetshina faced xenophobic attacks on social media after being announced as a finalist in Miss South Africa, with many questioning her eligibility due to her Nigerian heritage. However, she has now won the Miss Universe Nigeria title, representing Taraba State.
The law student’s win comes after she was compelled to leave the Miss South Africa contest following opposition from the country’s Minister of Sports, Arts, and Culture. Adetshina had reached the final 16 of the competition before being forced to withdraw.
Her victory is seen as a triumph over adversity, and she has received support from many Nigerians who praised her resilience and determination. Adetshina’s win is also a testament to her beauty, talent, and poise, which earned her the top spot in the competition.
As Miss Universe Nigeria, Adetshina will represent the country on the global stage, showcasing Nigeria’s beauty, culture, and talent. Her win is a source of pride for Nigerians, and she is expected to make a positive impact during her reign.