The Bauchi Police Command has arrested a 62-year-old man, Tahir Ahmed, for producing counterfeit naira notes. According to a press release by the Police Public Relations Officer, Ahmed Wakil, the arrest was made possible by a tip from a concerned citizen.
On August 6, 2024, the citizen, who was traveling from Jos North LGA in Plateau State to Bauchi, noticed suspicious behavior from Tahir Ahmed, who had joined the journey at Tilden Fulani Market in Toro Local Government Area, Bauchi State.
Upon reaching Bauchi, the citizen reported their concerns to the police, leading to Tahir Ahmed’s arrest. Further investigation revealed that Ahmed was involved in the production of fake naira notes.
The police command commended the citizen for their vigilance and cooperation in helping to combat crime in the state. The arrest highlights the ongoing efforts of the police to curb counterfeiting and maintain the integrity of the Nigerian currency.
Tahir Ahmed’s arrest serves as a warning to others involved in similar criminal activities that they will be caught and brought to justice. The police command urged the public to continue reporting any suspicious activities to help keep the community safe.
The case is currently under investigation, and further details will be released as more information becomes available.